Saturday, December 3, 2022

Wes Moore: Part IV

 Are we really products of our environment?

Dangers of Buying Drugs in the Hood | Absolute Awakenings

    I've come to the realization that we can all be environmental products after reading the book. If you're in a challenging setting, you may go into survival mode and make difficult choices in order to survive. For instance, if you were raised in a gang environment, you will likely join one, or you may wind up trafficking drugs to make ends meet, etc. It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen when you come from a poor household. Wes grew up in the narrative and lived in an undesirable area. Wes aspired to be just like his elder brother Toney, who was a drug dealer. As a result, he became a lookout for a drug dealer and eventually began selling narcotics himself out of envy for his older brother. He looked up to his brother Tony, who unknowingly had an impact on him. Wes was raised by a single mother, and his father chose not to be involved in his life, which had an impact on who he became. I've seen that role models play a significant influence in shaping an individual to the pathways they take in their lifetime. Wes's father, mother, and father failed to provide him with the proper assistance throughout crucial points in his life and failed to prevent him from making mistakes that put him in jail. According to the story, Wes's girlfriend Alicia got pregnant, and he had to find a method to support his growing family. In his despair, he turned to selling narcotics. Wes grew up in a setting where selling drugs was common and drug consumption was an issue. His decisions that he made in his life based off our surroundings. Although both men grew up in the same environment, Wes wasn’t successful because he did not want to change his ways and get rid of bad company. Although I believe that we are products of our environment, I also believe we have a choice. For example, the other Wes lived and grew up in the same environment but had advantages, he had an educational background and people around him that supported him. His life's choices were influenced by the environment. Both guys grew up in the same atmosphere, but Wes failed because he was unwilling to make changes and cut out unsavory acquaintances. Even though I think we are products of our environment, I also think we have a choice. For instance, the other Wes grew up and lived in the same setting, but he had advantages like his academic background and family who encouraged him. Due to his decisions, the other Wes in particular became a victim of his surroundings. Wes would have had a better future if he had been sincere in his desire to change for the better. He would have achieved success like Wes had he not been in prison.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

The role of music


The role music plays in my life?

    Looking for a Meditation Podcast? Here Are Our Top 10 - Positive Routines

Music becomes important in Moore's life in the book because it gives him a sense of purpose and direction. When hip-hop became popular in the 1980s and became the "sound" of the generation, it also became Moore's "validator," helping him gain credibility with the kids in his neighborhood. Moore stated that hip-hop music helped people overcome their fears, anxieties, and dreams of wealth, power, revolution, and success. He believed that the music provided an exaggerated/complicated version of their lives to the outside world, making them feel less alone. Music is a form of art that you may enjoy in both sound and silence, and for some people, it's the only thing that can lift or lower their spirits. You can utilize it to escape problems and tensions in your life while also finding pleasure. I find that music enables me to think effectively and freely communicate my feelings and emotions, without words. I almost always listen to music especially when I leave the house in the morning because it makes me feel better and uplifts my soul. Music is a universal language that may be utilized to communicate across cultures and as a means of escape. When I was ill, I turned to music to distract me from my worries and to help me remain calm and optimistic. Music is a potent sound that may be heard in many various contexts, even in nature. Nature produces sounds like chirping, singing birds, whistling winds, and pit-patting rain. Because I am aware of how music affects my activity and increases my willingness to work and complete chores, I always carry headphones with me. Listening to music enables my body to move in sync with the tunes or beat of the music, occasionally shaking my head or tapping my feet lightly. Because it organizes the brain, music has the potential to improve my mood, promote social interaction, and stimulate my appetite. I use music as therapy because it helps me maintain awareness of my surroundings while also providing a secure and comfortable setting. Moore used music to establish connections with his peers in his community in the book. I use music to convey my feelings. For instance, I listen to slow, depressive music when I'm disheartened or depressed. Since I was little, I've enjoyed listening to music on the radio, my iPod, and other devices. On my worst days, it gave me hope, and I still rely on it since it illuminates the world. I've also employed music in my academic life. I discovered at a young age that listening to music while working on tasks and studying helped me perform better because it kept me focused and prevented me from getting easily sidetracked. It also improved my memory and made it easier to remember for upcoming exams. In conclusion, music can benefit all facets of your life, including your mental health, study habits, and productivity. It can also positively alter your outlook on life while making you relaxed. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Other Wes Moore Part II Assignment

How I cope with difficult situations5 Meditation Tips for People Who Don't (Yet) Like to Meditate

    Moore remembered the time he went to the court to play basketball in the book "The Other Wes Moore one name, two fates." He gives descriptions of his surroundings while he is on the court. He came to understand that the courts served as a gathering place where the neighborhood's young men could join to form a "circle of trust." They could socialize, have fun, and unwind there. It served as their outlet for dealing with the "fence" or reality they were in. 

Like Moore, I have a hobby that helps me get through challenging circumstances. When I'm stressed out and in a challenging circumstance, I tend to listen to music and knit. By doing this, I can have peace of mind, stay optimistic, and avoid spending too much time in my thoughts during challenging times. I've come to understand that pausing or taking a break has helped me get through many challenging circumstances I've encountered and helped me come up with solutions. Life is a rollercoaster, I've discovered; sometimes it's up, and sometimes it's down. However, how you respond to such circumstances ultimately determines who you are. I've found that knitting and music have allowed me to keep a happy attitude, take lessons from my experiences, and plan out my next moves. The only genuine method to avoid acting erratically and making a decision you would later regret is to remain optimistic. When dealing with challenging conditions, you would have to recognize that there isn't always a way out or a means to modify your circumstance, but that understanding your circumstance can assist you to avoid repeating the same error. For example, when I had an important surgery scheduled that would determine the fate of my future, the stress of the situation could have discouraged me and made me want to give up, but instead of panicking, I chose to stay calm, listen to music, and not dwell on the negatives. Instead, I focused on all the things I wanted to do after the surgery, such as live a healthy lifestyle and avoid fatty and sugary foods, become more active and go to the gym, and so on. If I had concentrated on the negatives, I would have reacted in a way that exacerbated the situation. I also accepted that there was nothing I could do about my situation and that it was my only chance to improve. I've distracted myself from the situation and escaped the feeling of being overwhelmed by meditating, listening to music, and knitting. These are some of my coping mechanisms for shutting out the world for a few minutes to several hours at a time. When I put on my earphones, I hear nothing but music, which helps me relax by blocking out my thoughts. On the other hand, meditating gives me a sense of calm and peace. It allows me to keep my focus and redirect my thoughts.Post: 6 Activities to Help You Release Negative Energy | SheBlogginSimple Way to Improve Knitting Tension - 10 rows a day

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Are we a product of our environment or expectations?

 Are we a product of our environment or products of our expectations?

The only thing that separates the two is choice, you could live in the worst environment and still become successful just by being dedicated and motivated to having a different path. That’s why I believe that we are products of our expectations because when people put their expectations on you, you make it your own. Wes stated that, “We do what others expect us to get a job, we will get a job. If they expect us to go to jail, then that’s where we will end up too. At some point you lose control” I resonated with this because it is the life I live now. Everyone has an expectation for me whether it’s family, friends, etc. From my family they place their expectations on me whether good or bad such as college. My mom expected me to go to college and earn my degree, anything other than that was seen as a failure in her eyes because she believed that that was only way you could be successful in life is with a degree. Even though I was already fixated on going to college anyway, her expectation influenced me to stay on that path and also made me think that was the only way to be successful as-well. Her expectation made me think of  life as a one way straight path, and of course I didn’t want to disappoint my mom so that is the path I stood with. Someone that has an expectation of you, can be a burden as the it can have a strong impact on you. You are unable to have free will as you won’t be thinking for yourself but for other people, you will start to live off of other people’s judgement. On the other hand, being a product of your environment to me is more of a choice. You don’t have to be a product of your environment, you can have different views, talk differently, etc your environment doesn’t have to shape who you are as a person. For example I grew in what people would call the “ghetto” or “lower class” living in those neighborhoods people always has their expectations thinking it was “dangerous”,“unsafe”, and “dirty”. Their expectation for the kids is much worse as they think most will end up in jail, dead, or selling drugs. But these expectations didn’t define who we were as many of especially ones who graduated from high school not only graduated college but created businesses and achieved other great things. One way to not be a product of someone’s expectation is to have your own aspiration and goals, and sticking to them. Sometimes parents often live their dreams through their children, hence why they pass on heavy expectations to their kids. It is best to avoid this as everything you do will become for them resulting in losing yourself.


Saturday, October 22, 2022

Are colleges worth it?

Are colleges worth it?

     Students who attend college make an investment in their future success. These students believe that attending college will guarantee them a good life, but for many, this is not the case. Students, particularly those from low-income families, enter college without funds, forcing them to take out loans and lose money. Many students attend college in the hopes of earning a degree but drop out due to financial constraints. They receive scholarships and financial aid, but it is insufficient. While college may be the best option for some, it is not the best option for everyone. Student loans and debt are one of the reasons why college isn't worth it. Students graduate from college with significant additional debt. Others thrive in college; some fail due to the stress of trying to succeed while figuring out how to pay for their college education; whereas others make millions and are content with their lives. Going to college does not guarantee a job; in fact, when students graduate and begin looking for work, they are unable to find one and are unemployed for months. The reason for this is that college does not prepare you for life after graduation, which leaves students jobless.

    What is the point of going to college, putting in the time and effort, losing hours of sleep, and staying up late just to end up in a financial bind? Going to college no longer entails learning but rather passing to get a sheet of paper with your name and major on it. Why bother when there are alternatives that will not put you in debt? There are jobs that pay employees with and without a college degree the same salary. From a young age, students are brainwashed into believing that college is the only way to succeed and obtain a well-paying job. This has resulted in students wanting to attend college and dismissing other careers because they fear they will not be respected in comparison to jobs that require a degree. Flight attendants, community health workers, medical secretaries, Ophthalmic Medical technicians, firefighters, and many other jobs do not require a degree to be successful. Instead of brainwashing students, schools should expose students to alternative career paths. They must begin teaching important subjects such as how to start a business and how to trade for money using their Wi-Fi. This will easily motivate students and give them hope, rather than making them believe they will be a failure in life if they do not obtain a degree. Students will be less likely to be depressed and anxious if they are not pressured into doing things they do not want to do.  Some students are pressured to attend college because of the social stigma of not having a degree, which is why some despise their jobs. When hired, every day becomes a routine of waking up, getting ready, working, and sleeping, which establishes the habit of having zero patience and becoming exceedingly grumpy and dissatisfied with their lives.


Sunday, October 9, 2022

Is Fast-food the new Tobacco?


                                                           Is Fast-food the new Tobacco?


              People eat fast food because it is convenient and less time-consuming. Instead of spending time in the kitchen preparing food or going to the grocery store looking for ingredients to cook your next meal, you can go to a fast-food restaurant and get a complete meal instead. Fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's can be found on every street corner in our communities, as they are easier to find than healthy or organic foods. These fast-food restaurants are abundant, particularly among low-income families who cannot afford to go to grocery stores and buy organic fruits and vegetables, so they rely on these fast-food restaurants because they can get their food hot without having to get out of their cars or leave their homes. Apps such as uber eats and door dash offer food delivery services to customers where they get their food delivered with a click of a button. Eating fast foods regularly can quickly turn into an addiction, as you become accustomed to it, never taking the intuitive to cook your own meals. But eating these foods has a price as, people are becoming obese and dependent on these fast foods that are processed and contain a dangerously high amount of fat, salt, & calories which are causing people to become overweight when consumed on regular basis. The preservatives in the foods are detrimental to our health as they slowly kill us over time if we overindulge.

Fast food and Tobacco are similar in that they are both damaging to society and harmful to our bodies. Tobacco is a plant that affected many generations as it was quickly spread throughout communities and has been around for many years and is impossible to avoid because it has become ingrained in some of our daily lives. Tobacco is used in cigarettes, which were marketed to the public to be “fun and “cool” as well as a stress reliever. Tobacco in cigarettes contains carcinogenic chemicals that can cause cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). This disease can shorten your life and lower your quality of life, as well as cause you to die prematurely. It can also exacerbate anxiety, panic attacks, depression, schizophrenia, and suicide attempts. Fast food and tobacco are similar in that they can both make you sick and kill you.

              Obesity, in my opinion, should remain a personal issue because everyone has a choice. Nobody can compel someone to do anything; it is the consumer's responsibility to maintain their health and diet. It is entirely up to them to break the habit of ordering fast food and instead opt for a healthier diet. Everyone should have the freedom to prioritize their health. If the government continues to regulate obesity and restrict certain foods, who is to say that the consumer will accept the foods given to them? The problem wouldn't be solved, and it would end up being a waste of time.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

The impact pop culture has on social media

 Is Pop Culture good for me?

    Yes, I do believe pop culture is good for me, pop culture is mostly targeted toward young people because it links and unifies all people of all backgrounds. Pop culture includes music, sports, television, fashion, social media, politics, and books. But this time, it is most influential in the media, television, social media, food, clothing, and news, and can have several positive effects on the youth of today’s generation. The most influential kind of pop culture in our generation is social media. Every person owns a smartphone where they can download apps such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, & TikTok. Using their platforms, people can influence their thoughts, trends, behaviors, trends, and artistry that celebrities or influencers share.

      In this generation, social media has an impact on our culture on a large scale. People use social media to communicate, socialize and share. It gives way for people to connect with each other internationally creating a community with different voices. People use social frequently and it has become a part of our daily lives. Social media is pop culture because of the memes, trends, and communities that are all shared online social media is especially beneficial to this generation because of a platform called tik-tok. On his app, you can become an influencer, someone who shares their content while being compensated. The more content you share the bigger your audience grows and once you’ve reached having a large platform you can receive brand deals. It is a mutually beneficial contract between the influencer and marketer because the influencer receives more exposure, compensation, and eventually more brand deals. On the other hand, the marketer gets a chance to get their message or product out through their media, which has produced large traffic. From social media, marketers can expose pop culture to a wide range of people of all backgrounds. In addition, in a social marketing era, pop culture helps individuals and brands gain a stream of revenue. But this is not the only reason it is used, in the era of social media, using it can become an addition, you can use it to create social networks and can donate to charities and give to businesses. You get the opportunity to work and promote your business. On a Facebook marketplace, you can advertise an ad for selling your car. Within a few minutes after the post, your post would be shared amongst other people who would see the ad and would be willing to buy the car. This shows the power of social media and networking. Other examples are LinkedIn and eblogger. On LinkedIn, you have the opportunity to set up an account free of cost to set up a profile to network with other professionals that can make you successful. On eblogger you can create your own website where you discuss various topics and engage users with products and services.

    In conclusion, in our digital world, social media has an impact on pop culture. It is useful to interact with other people and build a community to discuss with different people to get everyone’s opinions and feedback. You can use it to Communicate to boost your expression online. You can use it to keep up with trends, fashion, news, and memes.

Wes Moore: Part IV

  Are we really products of our environment?      I've come to the realization that we can all be environmental products after reading t...