Is Pop Culture good for me?
In this generation, social media has an impact on our culture on a large scale. People use social media to communicate, socialize and share. It gives way for people to connect with each other internationally creating a community with different voices. People use social frequently and it has become a part of our daily lives. Social media is pop culture because of the memes, trends, and communities that are all shared online social media is especially beneficial to this generation because of a platform called tik-tok. On his app, you can become an influencer, someone who shares their content while being compensated. The more content you share the bigger your audience grows and once you’ve reached having a large platform you can receive brand deals. It is a mutually beneficial contract between the influencer and marketer because the influencer receives more exposure, compensation, and eventually more brand deals. On the other hand, the marketer gets a chance to get their message or product out through their media, which has produced large traffic. From social media, marketers can expose pop culture to a wide range of people of all backgrounds. In addition, in a social marketing era, pop culture helps individuals and brands gain a stream of revenue. But this is not the only reason it is used, in the era of social media, using it can become an addition, you can use it to create social networks and can donate to charities and give to businesses. You get the opportunity to work and promote your business. On a Facebook marketplace, you can advertise an ad for selling your car. Within a few minutes after the post, your post would be shared amongst other people who would see the ad and would be willing to buy the car. This shows the power of social media and networking. Other examples are LinkedIn and eblogger. On LinkedIn, you have the opportunity to set up an account free of cost to set up a profile to network with other professionals that can make you successful. On eblogger you can create your own website where you discuss various topics and engage users with products and services.
In conclusion, in our digital world, social media has an impact on pop culture. It is useful to interact with other people and build a community to discuss with different people to get everyone’s opinions and feedback. You can use it to Communicate to boost your expression online. You can use it to keep up with trends, fashion, news, and memes.